Online Safety

At Vicarage, we strive to empower our children to confidently navigate the internet while ensuring they have access to up-to-date resources and equipment to enhance their learning.

However, we also acknowledge the evolving risks associated with digital technology, which is why it’s essential for us to collaborate closely with families to prioritise online safety for pupils, both within and beyond the school environment.

As an integral part of our computing curriculum, online safety education is instilled within our teaching framework. Moreover, we have implemented comprehensive security measures, including robust web filtering and monitoring systems, to prevent access to harmful content while pupils are at school.

All our staff members have undergone safeguarding training, equipping them with the knowledge to recognise and address online safety concerns effectively. They adhere strictly to our Online Safety and Safeguarding Policies to uphold the safety and well-being of our pupils.

Ensuring consistency in our online safety message between home and school is paramount. We urge parents and caregivers to engage in regular conversations with their children about safe online practices and appropriate behaviour. Should you require further information or support regarding online safety and protecting children from potential risks, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us or access the guidance provided below.

Useful links

Safer Internet
National College Online Safety Guides
UK Safer Internet Centre
Internet Matters
CEOP Education
Parents Protect
Be Internet Awesome
DfE Guidance